This Giving Tuesday...

It's that time of year again!

Did you know that Americans spend BILLIONS of dollars every Black Friday on consumer goods? Last year alone, Americans spent over 14 billion dollars on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. (source:

But, we all know that that's not what the season is about! In 2020, over 70 countries participated in GivingTuesday. Collectively, nonprofits raised $2.47 billion on December 1, 2020, in the U.S. alone! 33.1 million U.S. adults participated in GivingTuesday last year. (source:

FCA is one of those nonprofits! GivingTuesday offers a chance to give of your time, talent, and treasure.

This year, Lowcountry FCA is hoping to raise $2,000 for GivingTuesday so that we can give away 100 Bibles to the coaches and athletes we serve!

Every $20 given purchases a Bible for someone who might not have one. How many Bibles can YOU help us give away?!

Use the button below to give your gift now, and make sure to note "Giving Tuesday" in the comment box!

*Please note: this campaign will end on Tuesday, November 30th.*

GivingTuesday Campaign

More ways to give:

  • Consider making your gift a monthly recurring  donation!
  • Monthly gifts help us to budget better and hire more staff! Use the same link above to give, and click on "Recurring Gift" to set this up.
  • Share our GivingTuesday campaign!
  • Word of mouth is the most powerful method of sharing. Share our campaign on social media, text this link to your friends, and help spread the word about what we're doing!
  • Consider matching our gifts!
  • Are you a business-owner or individual who'd like to give more? Consider a "24-hour matching challenge" to match any gifts that we receive on November 30th!
  • Give your time and talent!
  • Sharing your time and talent is just as important as sharing your treasure. If you'd like to do more with our ministry, check out all the opportunities for volunteering here, or contact us to see how you can get involved.

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